Thursday, November 6, 2008

This says it all. Apparently, all we had to do was elect some black guy president and all the blacks would have been working and not complaining and not having babies without daddies....Thats all I have to say for today - oh and that I read in the news that Obama is "President of the World".....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

America the Naive

Today is the saddest day in American history. Not only did the Kool-Aid crowd vote in a Socialist as their leader, they also unwittingly were duped by the devil himself. This messiah in a suit would have you believe that he is a uniter, not a divider, he's so compassionate he will take your money and give it to someone who needs it... what a great man. Since when did an individual have a RIGHT to home ownership, to a nest egg in the bank, to a cushy lifestyle without ever having lifted a finger? Since when is the American dream something evil to be despised? How do you explain the immigrant who came to America with five dollars in their pocket who washed dishes, floors, butts, anything asked of him to make it in this world? Who became a success of their hard work and their dreams? How do you explain that this person should have to give away that success to someone else, someone who doesn't have a dream, who doesn't have a drive, who doesn't believe in hard work which will result in success? How is that good for anyone other than the lazy slob who is on the receiving end? They keep saying "change" "change" "change" - yeah, it'll be change alright. The kind of change that will keep people down, make businesses close their doors, and take away any incentive for success in this world.

Obama is not a great man. He was handed a college education on a plate... did drugs (for which we have heard nothing) palled around with degenerates and homegrown terrorists, idolized dictators... the list goes on and it makes me sad. The media decided Obama would be president long ago. The media asked questions like "boxers or briefs?" and "what's your favorite color?" and the Kool-Aid crowd drank it up. Palin was painted as a horrible woman because she was a mother, because she had a handicapped child, because she was from alaska, because she was a governor of alaska, because she was an energy expert, because???? she was pretty?

I read yesterday that the European Union issued a joint statement or something of that nature and said "We are hoping for a less arrogant United States" ... Less arrogant than who? The european nations? I've traveled to Europe, and beyond you wnat to know about arrogant? Puh-lease!

Why do you suppose all the dictators "endorsed" Obama? Why do you think that douchebag that runs Iran sent Obama all that money? Because they know he is such a pussy he will never do anything about any type of terrorist attack on our wonderful country.

Obama's Grand Mammy Dies


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dee-Troit Democrats

Today on the news they had an audio of one of our congressman for the state of Michigan criticizing the republicans for blocking votes by coming into "their" city and asking for i.d.'s proof of addresses and the like. He continued to say that "his people were going to go into 'their' neighborhoods and start asking 'them' questions just like they was (sic) asking they's people..." this is a congressman for the State of Michigan - isn't he supposed to represent all the people ? The only thing that is trying to be stopped is the FRAUD YOU JACKASS! ACORN is registering phony people - by the thousands. This whole election is so damn scary. Obama toasting the terrorist PLO leader and the paper that has the tape won't release it? And all I keep hearing is the harpies complaining about Sarah Palin's wardrobe? What is wrong with this picture. The demo-gogs are so desparate to get anyone in the whitehouse they've offered up this wolf in sheep's clothing who will hand over our freedom's to the first muslim country that asks for it. God help us all and screw Osama Barack Bin Ladin

Friday, October 24, 2008

Rocky Mama

Today, Barack Obama took a walk while visiting his ailing grandmother in Hawaii.

This was on the news.

On every station.

Hour after Hour....

? The country is collapsing and the "media" couldn't wait to gush about the terrorist visiting his "grandmother".... So phony

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Election, What Else?

Well, three weeks till E-Day... God help us. Barry Osama Bin Laden Obama will most likely be our next president, elected by the liberal media who have been dispensing their Kool-Aid since he first came upon the scene. The Kool-Aid which coincidentally had been reserved for the Clintons until the appearance of the Almighty. Poor Hillary, shoulda been President...

I read that that unfunny "newsman" "comedian" don't know what to call him cuz he ain't funny douchebag of a menche said "fuck you" to Sarah Palin because she was celebrating small town America. Somehow Mr. City Slicker took offense (or should I say Mr. Silver Spoon?) The majority of America is small town, something that he can't understand. Most people work for a living, they don't sit behind a desk, make questionable comments about someone's character because they don't think like you do and get paid a zillion dollars.... thats right, most people don't. I have come to the conclusion the reason why "stars" are so quick to back whichever Democrat is running is because their platform is welfare... "Stars" feel so much guilt over making so much money for doing so little that they feel the government should give handouts to make up for it. Can't be charitable with someone else's money. Guess their mamas never told them that... most likely cuz their mamas were on welfare. Anyway... God Help America! We are heading toward Socialism and Communism and the Kool-Aid drinkers are too stupid to realize it - they just want to say the voted for a black guy !

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Scarin Osbourne

Today I turned on one of the entertainment shows, Access Hollywood I believe, and Billy Bush was "interviewing' Sharon Osbourne and asking her opinion on Sarah Palin and why Sarah should not be president. Sharon goes on to say "She knows nothing about being President, she's never run a large corporation or anything" (Excuse me but how does she know anything about Sarah Palin, did she research her background online or anything? No, she is going by what she has been brainwashed to say by the liberal media) and Billy says "well, neither did Obama" and she says "but he is so smart, he went to Harvard and Yale and instead of taking a huge salary he went out into the community to help" and thats why he should be president. Then Billy Bush says "wait, hold on, John McCain is right behind you" and she says "Oh, he can just kiss my bum". Why did she say that? Kiss my bum. What did he do to her? Have a different view? Again, the party that prides themselves on acceptance is the most narrow minded bunch yet.

Go home Scarin Sharon. No one cares about your idiotic views of American politics. And cut out the Botox you are the creepiest joker yet

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The View Part 2

Today on Access Hollywood they said the ratings for the view have gone through the roof, and they showed a clip of the latest clash between good (Elizabeth) and evil (Whoopi, Barbara, Joy, and some nameless nimrod, don't know where they found her, yes I know, Elizabeth is outnumbered). It showed Whoopi browbeating Elizabeth as usual and then the nameless nimrod starts sticking her finger in Elizabeth's face, they are all screaming and talking at once and doesn't that no talen Joy Behar (what did she do before the view?) and she stands up and starts punching the air screaming, woo-hoo... like there was going to be a rumble and she was going to egg it on. It was the most despicable display I have yet to see on this ridiculous show. I don't care about these people but I do care about the injustice that Elizabeth faces everday. I wish they would all go away - and Barbara Walters... sellout?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I haven't written anything lately because I didn't think I had anything to say of importance. But I do. This election has gotten me so fired up. I turn on the tv when I get home and all it is, every channel, every celebrity, every soundbite, is something horribly negative and vile about Sarah Palin. I think to myself, what did she do to deserve such hatred? She is against abortion, that is her personal belief. Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar are FOR abortion, that is their personal belief. Why is one belief wrong and one belief right? I'm not a fan of The View, I do not watch The View, I am not a fan of any of the women on the view although I feel sorry for Elizabeth - she is outnumbered by 4 or 5 outrageously outspoken bitter women who all have obviously had abortions - that is and was their right. But I think the problem with Elizabeth and "the others" is that when they are around Elizabeth they feel they have done something wrong. That is the only answer for the narrow minded hatred they spew at her. She is white, she is blonde, she is pretty, she is petite - another reminder of all the things they are not and never will be. I saw a clip the other day and the all DEMANDED to know why she never had a different view point. I thought to myself, a different viewpoint? she has more viewpoints than they will ever have. They are so narrow minded they cannot see through their own bias. If they were as open minded and loving as they want us to think they are they would tell Elizabeth how important her viewpoint is. That is my thought for today. You can agree or not, that is your right and your privilege as an American and Citizen of this great country

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Donnie and Marie

Why must we look at Donny and Marie everytime we turn the tv on? I am so sick of their big mouths and big teeth and how much more will they "reveal" about themselves? Everything is schtick... who can take this crappy duo much longer? If they revive their lame variety show i will boycott tv.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

How about that Michelle Obama? Has anyone else in the country noticed that she keeps trying to 'fashion' herself after Jackie Kennedy? Give me a break. Flipped up hair and shift dresses. Where did she get those made anyway? Don 't be fooled by this radical anti-american racist. If her hubby gets elected it will be the first time in my adult life I will be afraid for my country.
Well, I started this blog because I thought I had an opinion on everything, now that I set it up I don't know where to start