Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I haven't written anything lately because I didn't think I had anything to say of importance. But I do. This election has gotten me so fired up. I turn on the tv when I get home and all it is, every channel, every celebrity, every soundbite, is something horribly negative and vile about Sarah Palin. I think to myself, what did she do to deserve such hatred? She is against abortion, that is her personal belief. Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar are FOR abortion, that is their personal belief. Why is one belief wrong and one belief right? I'm not a fan of The View, I do not watch The View, I am not a fan of any of the women on the view although I feel sorry for Elizabeth - she is outnumbered by 4 or 5 outrageously outspoken bitter women who all have obviously had abortions - that is and was their right. But I think the problem with Elizabeth and "the others" is that when they are around Elizabeth they feel they have done something wrong. That is the only answer for the narrow minded hatred they spew at her. She is white, she is blonde, she is pretty, she is petite - another reminder of all the things they are not and never will be. I saw a clip the other day and the all DEMANDED to know why she never had a different view point. I thought to myself, a different viewpoint? she has more viewpoints than they will ever have. They are so narrow minded they cannot see through their own bias. If they were as open minded and loving as they want us to think they are they would tell Elizabeth how important her viewpoint is. That is my thought for today. You can agree or not, that is your right and your privilege as an American and Citizen of this great country

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