Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The View Part 2

Today on Access Hollywood they said the ratings for the view have gone through the roof, and they showed a clip of the latest clash between good (Elizabeth) and evil (Whoopi, Barbara, Joy, and some nameless nimrod, don't know where they found her, yes I know, Elizabeth is outnumbered). It showed Whoopi browbeating Elizabeth as usual and then the nameless nimrod starts sticking her finger in Elizabeth's face, they are all screaming and talking at once and doesn't that no talen Joy Behar (what did she do before the view?) and she stands up and starts punching the air screaming, woo-hoo... like there was going to be a rumble and she was going to egg it on. It was the most despicable display I have yet to see on this ridiculous show. I don't care about these people but I do care about the injustice that Elizabeth faces everday. I wish they would all go away - and Barbara Walters... sellout?

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