Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dee-Troit Democrats

Today on the news they had an audio of one of our congressman for the state of Michigan criticizing the republicans for blocking votes by coming into "their" city and asking for i.d.'s proof of addresses and the like. He continued to say that "his people were going to go into 'their' neighborhoods and start asking 'them' questions just like they was (sic) asking they's people..." this is a congressman for the State of Michigan - isn't he supposed to represent all the people ? The only thing that is trying to be stopped is the FRAUD YOU JACKASS! ACORN is registering phony people - by the thousands. This whole election is so damn scary. Obama toasting the terrorist PLO leader and the paper that has the tape won't release it? And all I keep hearing is the harpies complaining about Sarah Palin's wardrobe? What is wrong with this picture. The demo-gogs are so desparate to get anyone in the whitehouse they've offered up this wolf in sheep's clothing who will hand over our freedom's to the first muslim country that asks for it. God help us all and screw Osama Barack Bin Ladin

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