Wednesday, November 5, 2008

America the Naive

Today is the saddest day in American history. Not only did the Kool-Aid crowd vote in a Socialist as their leader, they also unwittingly were duped by the devil himself. This messiah in a suit would have you believe that he is a uniter, not a divider, he's so compassionate he will take your money and give it to someone who needs it... what a great man. Since when did an individual have a RIGHT to home ownership, to a nest egg in the bank, to a cushy lifestyle without ever having lifted a finger? Since when is the American dream something evil to be despised? How do you explain the immigrant who came to America with five dollars in their pocket who washed dishes, floors, butts, anything asked of him to make it in this world? Who became a success of their hard work and their dreams? How do you explain that this person should have to give away that success to someone else, someone who doesn't have a dream, who doesn't have a drive, who doesn't believe in hard work which will result in success? How is that good for anyone other than the lazy slob who is on the receiving end? They keep saying "change" "change" "change" - yeah, it'll be change alright. The kind of change that will keep people down, make businesses close their doors, and take away any incentive for success in this world.

Obama is not a great man. He was handed a college education on a plate... did drugs (for which we have heard nothing) palled around with degenerates and homegrown terrorists, idolized dictators... the list goes on and it makes me sad. The media decided Obama would be president long ago. The media asked questions like "boxers or briefs?" and "what's your favorite color?" and the Kool-Aid crowd drank it up. Palin was painted as a horrible woman because she was a mother, because she had a handicapped child, because she was from alaska, because she was a governor of alaska, because she was an energy expert, because???? she was pretty?

I read yesterday that the European Union issued a joint statement or something of that nature and said "We are hoping for a less arrogant United States" ... Less arrogant than who? The european nations? I've traveled to Europe, and beyond you wnat to know about arrogant? Puh-lease!

Why do you suppose all the dictators "endorsed" Obama? Why do you think that douchebag that runs Iran sent Obama all that money? Because they know he is such a pussy he will never do anything about any type of terrorist attack on our wonderful country.

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