Monday, October 20, 2008

The Election, What Else?

Well, three weeks till E-Day... God help us. Barry Osama Bin Laden Obama will most likely be our next president, elected by the liberal media who have been dispensing their Kool-Aid since he first came upon the scene. The Kool-Aid which coincidentally had been reserved for the Clintons until the appearance of the Almighty. Poor Hillary, shoulda been President...

I read that that unfunny "newsman" "comedian" don't know what to call him cuz he ain't funny douchebag of a menche said "fuck you" to Sarah Palin because she was celebrating small town America. Somehow Mr. City Slicker took offense (or should I say Mr. Silver Spoon?) The majority of America is small town, something that he can't understand. Most people work for a living, they don't sit behind a desk, make questionable comments about someone's character because they don't think like you do and get paid a zillion dollars.... thats right, most people don't. I have come to the conclusion the reason why "stars" are so quick to back whichever Democrat is running is because their platform is welfare... "Stars" feel so much guilt over making so much money for doing so little that they feel the government should give handouts to make up for it. Can't be charitable with someone else's money. Guess their mamas never told them that... most likely cuz their mamas were on welfare. Anyway... God Help America! We are heading toward Socialism and Communism and the Kool-Aid drinkers are too stupid to realize it - they just want to say the voted for a black guy !

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