Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Donnie and Marie

Why must we look at Donny and Marie everytime we turn the tv on? I am so sick of their big mouths and big teeth and how much more will they "reveal" about themselves? Everything is schtick... who can take this crappy duo much longer? If they revive their lame variety show i will boycott tv.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

How about that Michelle Obama? Has anyone else in the country noticed that she keeps trying to 'fashion' herself after Jackie Kennedy? Give me a break. Flipped up hair and shift dresses. Where did she get those made anyway? Don 't be fooled by this radical anti-american racist. If her hubby gets elected it will be the first time in my adult life I will be afraid for my country.
Well, I started this blog because I thought I had an opinion on everything, now that I set it up I don't know where to start